LOCAL ACTIVITIES (for the local BME communities with a particular emphasis on people of Euro-Mediterranean origin who live in Brighton & Hove):
- Advice & guidance,
- Signposting & referral,
- Mentoring & advocacy,
- Training & skill-building support,
- Cultural and social projects,
- Broadcasting & publishing.
We focus more in the following areas of local work:
- Skills training (e.g. community media, communication)
- Organisational development (e.g. setting up own community and voluntary group, tactical advice, mentoring)
- Cultural development (e.g. cultural & arts projects to increase engagement and solidarity between communities)
We are not direct training providers. However, we collaborate with the learning providers (e.g. community learning unit of the B&H City Council, City College, etc.) in securing places for the members of the diverse communities.
We also have informal learning and awareness-raising environments including the following:
- Euro-Mernet Film Club for exploring the Euro-Mediterranean cinema;#
- Festivals, fairs, and social parties for exploring Euro-Mediterranean culture, music and cuisine,
- Radio Euro-Mernet for raising awareness on the regional cultural diversity.
We regularly work on news and information gathering, publishing, broadcasting, strategic research and training on environment, human rights, development, social justice and civil liberties in Euro-Mediterranean countries.
We also provide advice, mentoring and training support for community and voluntary groups in Euro-Mediterranean countries.